BaZi And Health Assessment: Revealing Your Life And Wellness Insights

BaZi And Health Assessment: Revealing Your Life And Wellness Insights

This article focuses on simple health assessment using the ancient art of BaZi. It will help you understand potential issues or provide answers to your current health. You can start by plotting your BaZi chart. It is simple—follow the link here. BaZi may seem complex. However, it can be straightforward with some practice. Thus, it is not just about predicting luck for the year but understanding different aspects of life and the people around you, including health and wellness insights.

Everyone has a unique BaZi chart. Thus, we call this your “energy form,” or the user manual of your life. It tells your story. Therefore, knowing your BaZi chart helps you make better decisions and health assessments. The Chinese use animal zodiac and elements to represent different energies. By reading your BaZi chart, we can also see how your body or emotions may change, such as whether you’ll face health issues or emotional ups and downs. However, nothing is set in stone. Thus, your chart is a guide, like a manual. You have two choices: follow the default path or make changes to improve your life. As a result, the choices you make can impact your future.

But, we must give a disclaimer regarding health in Chinese Metaphysics. As this is just a guide, you should check with a doctor. Therefore, this article should never replace medical advice.

Do You Have Any Underlying Health Issues?

From the BaZi chart, we can spot if someone has a hidden health issue. First, the area we focus on for health is your “Day Pillar” Earthly Branch (地支). So, whenever something affects this part of your BaZi chart, it matters more for your well-being.

If you see an Ox or a Dog zodiac sign in your chart, you likely have serious health problems. In BaZi, these are called “Cancer markers.” You’re at a higher risk when the Ox and the Dog appear in your chart. Thus, you should figure out if this issue is inherited or self-inflicted. If you inherited it, both Ox and Dog are in your chart. Therefore, it’s likely something passed down from your family. But it doesn’t mean it will happen immediately—it’s dormant. We also need to check when it might become active.

Therefore, we look at the “Luck Pillar” in your BaZi chart to see when the health issue might flare up. For example, some symptoms might appear if the Dog shows up when they turn 58. It doesn’t mean the illness suddenly shows up, but it can mean more health issues. If you find out early and make changes—like seeing doctors, improving your lifestyle, reducing stress, and being happier—when you reach 58, you can minimize the impact.

  • Ox🐂 (Yin Earth) and Dog🐕 (Yang Earth): Cancerous cells
  • Goat🐐 (Yin Earth) and Dragon🐉 (Yang Earth): Tumors and growth

Another example stated is the Goat and Dragon sign. However, some people might have only one marker, like the Dog or Ox sign. In that case, it could mean lifestyle choices causing the issue. It is easier to handle because changing the bad habits can reduce the risk.

Can You Find Any Health Issues Based On Your BaZi Chart?

First, scroll to the bottom left of your BaZi chart under the “5 Structures.” The chart shows “Natal” and “Annual.” Natal refers to what you are born with—your element makeup at birth, influenced by the position of the cosmos. Annual refers to your lifestyle, which can improve or worsen your health.

In TCM, the five elements (Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire) represent your major organs. Therefore, you can refer to the table below for your easy reference.

The BaZi 5 Elements Health

As a result, to see if something’s wrong, check if one element is completely missing or if it hits the very top (like 100%). Anything below 60% or 80%, isn’t serious. However, if an element is missing or maxed out, it suggests a major issue.

Next, we can look at the “Annual” chart. It shows temporary issues based on your lifestyle. Even if your “Natal” chart looks fine, if your annual chart is extreme, it shows a short-term problem, like stress or poor habits. But, if your BaZi chart is balanced, the issues are usually smaller and temporary. Therefore, you monitor your habits or yearly minor problems.

However, if you see one element missing in your natal chart, it could mean that if that element comes up in your ‘Luck” pillar, it could trigger health problems too. The luck pillar can give clues about which to focus on.

Your Health Assessment: Imbalance of Wood/Earth Element

If your BaZi chart shows an element at the “tip” (the highest point), it signifies trouble. For example, your Wood element can become too strong and start to weaken Earth. It can lead to Earth-related problems, like acid reflux, indigestion, stomach ulcers, or issues with your intestines and colon. The Earth element represents your digestive system.

So, while the symptoms may appear in the stomach, the real problem might be the liver (related to the Wood element). Thus, if you focus on fixing the liver, the stomach issues should improve. However, if Wood is too strong, it can also cause problems like anxiety, insomnia, or a twitchy nervous system. For men, a strong Wood element can lead to issues like erectile dysfunction. The liver helps with detoxing. So, if it’s weak, it can lead to allergies because the body can’t detox well. Allergies could be related to the Wood element.

In short, the symptoms (like digestive problems) might not be the real issue. The real cause could be elsewhere, like your liver or nervous system. If your liver is overworked, it won’t detoxify your body well, leading to more problems. Therefore, fixing the root cause can help everything else improve.

Your Health Assessment - Imbalance of Wood
Your Health Assessment – Imbalance of Wood

Your Health Assessment: Imbalance of Fire/Metal Element

Based on the 5 Elements, the Fire element is countering Metal. Therefore, if you have a weak Metal element, it can make things worse. The Metal element represents the skin, bones, nose, throat, teeth, and lungs. It also involves the respiratory system. For women, Metal also relates to the womb and breasts.

Fire in the BaZi chart represents the heart, eyes, and vitality. Burnout and mental issues are related to the Fire element, including mental disturbances and emotional burnout. We’re entering “Period 9,” related to the Fire element. For the next 20 years, Fire will be more intense. Therefore, if you already have Fire-related issues, you should schedule health assessments annually and make lifestyle changes soon.

You may find it difficult to achieve true happiness if you don’t have enough Fire elements. Thus, people with weak Fire often set high goals for happiness, like wanting a bigger house to feel content. It can lead to dissatisfaction or even depression. Thus, finding joy in the little things, like enjoying your favorite meal or meeting a friend is recommended. People with weak Fire find it difficult to do this, which can affect their mental health.

Your Health Assessment - Imbalance of Fire
Your Health Assessment – Imbalance of Fire

Your Health Assessment: Imbalance of Earth/Water Element

If your Earth element is strong, and the Water element is completely missing, it could mean you already have some health issues. The imbalance of elements doesn’t relate to wealth, but there is a saying that with more wealth comes worse health. People with charts like this often do well in their careers, but their health suffers. This is akin to the Chinese saying “财多身弱”, meaning that having too many wealth stars in your chart causes an imbalance in the 5 Elements. Whether or not you have wealth depends on whether the luck cycles bring balance to your chart.

The Earth represents the digestive system, from the stomach to the rectal area. If the Earth element is too intense, you may have issues there. Water, which represents the kidneys, is weak. So, you could have problems with muscle cramps, loss of appetite, or severe weight loss.

Your Health Assessment - Imbalance of Earth
Your Health Assessment – Imbalance of Earth

Your Health Assessment: Imbalance of Metal/Wood Element

If your Metal element is intense, it will weaken the Wood element. Even though the Wood element is not missing, there will be some health issues. Therefore, you can check if you have respiratory problems. If it’s a woman, you might ask if they have issues with their breasts or cysts, as these are common. Lastly, you also need to check the liver because strong Metal weakens Wood, which affects the liver. In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is a crucial organ. No Wood in your BaZi chart could mean health problems.

Your Health Assessment - Imbalance of Metal
Your Health Assessment – Imbalance of Metal

Your Health Assessment: Imbalace of Water/Fire Element

If your Water Element is intense, it attacks the Fire. It causes problems in two areas, but the symptoms may appear elsewhere. Water controls the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder, hormones, and anything related to liquids in your body. As a result, it can cause kidney and hormone issues or problems with the bladder and blood. For serious concerns, it’s best to see a professional. Symptoms are just clues, but the root cause needs a proper diagnosis. Depression can also come from too high a percentage of Water and Metal elements.

Your Health Assessment - Imbalance of Water
Your Health Assessment – Imbalance of Water

How About Other Health Indicators?

We can also check our BaZi Chart for other health issues. This might not show cancer markers or organ problems, but there are other signs of potential health issues.

High or Missing Indirect Resources (偏印格)

You can refer to your 10 Profiles Strength Chart (十神格). Health is connected to the “Indirect Resource” in the BaZi chart, sometimes “Direct Resource.” If this is too high, like at 100% or 0%, the person might be unaware of their health or not care about it. It means they are oblivious. If your “Indirect Resource” is missing, you are not concerned with your health.

Some people avoid health issues out of fear. It’s not always intentional. Denial is common when it comes to health. It’s not always bad, but it’s understandable. If your loved ones are going through denial, be supportive. Hearing bad news from a doctor takes a lot of courage. You need to be there for them.

The Sickness Charm Star (病符)

The second thing to note is the “Sickness Charm” star. This star can affect your health by lowering your immune system, and it appears every year or every other year. However, some people have it in their BaZi natal chart. When the Sickness Star shows up, taking care of your health is important. We should be mindful of our lifestyle, including the food and when we eat. Being careful about our health can help us in the long run.

To check if this applies to you, look at your year branch. For example, if you’re born in the Year of the Dragon, the Sickness Star for you is the Rabbit. Therefore, your immune system is naturally weaker if you have the Rabbit sign in your BaZi chart, especially in your Day Pillar. It can still appear in your luck pillar even if you don’t have it in your natal chart. As a result, if you know your sign will be affected, it’s wise to strengthen your immune system now. This includes doing health assessments, taking supplements, and adjusting your fitness routine.

If you have the sickness star in your luck pillar, it can affect you for 10 years. However, once you pass that period, your immune system improves. But, if you already have the Sickness Star in your BaZi natal chart, your immune system is naturally weaker, but that doesn’t mean it stays weak forever. By knowing this, you can make better choices to stay healthy.

The Sickness Star (病符)
The Sickness Star (病符)

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