Powerful Future Predictions 2022 With The Forbidden Mother Earth Oracle

Powerful Future Predictions 2022 With The Forbidden Mother Earth Oracle

Do you think 2022 will be a rebound year or a disaster year, and will we be able to recover? The COVID-19 epidemic occurred in 2020, as we will see when we look back. Many astrologers and metaphysical practitioners were perplexed as to why the Bazi charts did not suggest a pandemic. As a result, they combed through the data and ancient writings. However, one book or manuscript plainly said that many people would suffer and die in 2020, the year of the Metal Rat. That text came from the Mother Earth Oracle, which is now widely regarded as a sacred bible for future predictions of 2022 and beyond.

We have never seen a pandemic in our lifetimes, and even an endemic is rare. The SARS virus, which struck in 2003, was perhaps the closest we’ve been. Therefore, the SARS outbreak was modest compared to the current epidemic. In this post, we’ll look at the beginnings of Mother Earth Oracle and how it prophesied the world’s worst pandemic in our lifetime.

What is the Mother Earth Oracle?

The Mother Earth Oracle, also known as the “地母经” was rewritten during the Chinese Ming and Qing dynasties. The Chinese modernized it based on the Yellow Emperor’s literature, which dates back at least two to three thousand years ago. In addition, the Chinese designed the Mother Earth Oracle on a 60-year cycle. There are 60 paragraphs in total, with a poem and divination incorporated in each passage to describe the year’s prediction.

As its name implies, the Mother Earth Oracle’s primary function was to describe each year’s crop harvest. Additionally, there are also forecasts for the people and the weather mentioned in the text. This is because inclement weather can influence crops, and crop harvest quality has a direct impact on people’s life. Furthermore, people in the past were extremely impoverished, relying primarily on farmland or poultry to exist. Thus, we can imagine that life was difficult in the past.

The Mother Earth Oracle Original vs Modernized
The Mother Earth Oracle Modernized vs Original

What was the Prediction for 2020?

According to folklore, the world will change dramatically in the Yang Metal Rat Year of 2020. But because most of us live in cities, some of the text in the Mother Earth Oracle may be irrelevant to us. Let’s examine the text retrieved from the manuscript, and see how ancient Chinese was written from top to bottom, right to left while translating it to English.

An unexpected epidemic and death toll 💀

  • 太岁庚子年,人民多暴卒。(Translation: In the Tai Sui Yang Metal Rat Year, people died from a sudden outbreak incident.)
  • What had occurred: A COVID outbreak occurred, resulting in many deaths around the world.

Expected flooding and natural disasters 🌊

  • 春夏水淹流,秋冬频饥渴。(Translation: There is flooding from spring to summer, causing hunger and thirst for the people in autumn to winter.)
  • What had occurred: In the year of disasters, climate change was responsible for more than 90% of the 389 occurrences. Floods and storms increased dramatically in 2020 compared to the annual norm over the previous two decades.

Stock market crash 💥

  • 高田犹及半,晚稻无可割。(Translation: The agricultural farms only produce half as much, and there isn’t much to harvest.)
  • What had occurred: The stock market plummeted, with the Dow Jones index losing the most points in a single day.

The US withdrew from Afghanistan 🔄

  • 秦淮足流荡,吴楚多劫夺。 (Translation: People from Qin Huai province began to leave, resulting in robberies in Wu and Chu provinces.)
  • What had occurred: The military withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan has allowed the Taliban to gain control of the country.

Unprecedented protests against racial and social injustice 🙊

  • 桑叶须後贱,蚕娘情不悦。(Translation: The mulberry tree grows feebly, therefore there is no reason to rejoice.)
  • What had occurred: Civil unrest erupted as a result of global protests and the death of George Floyd, resulting in property damage, and a loss of faith in the police force.

The Brexit deal 🚫

  • 见蚕不见丝,徒劳用心切。(Translation: The silkworms couldn’t produce any silk, therefore all efforts were in vain.)
  • What had occurred: The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, known as Brexit, resulted in the loss of trade deals.

The Rich-Poor Divide is Widening 💸

  • 卜曰︰鼠耗出頭年,高低多偏頗。更看三冬裏,山頭起墓田。 (Translation: The rich and poor will divide as the Yin Metal Rat year begins. Many countries’ economic progress will be uneven, with some countries performing better than others. There will be a lot of deaths throughout the winter season, and new cemeteries will spring up.)
  • What had occurred: The unexpected COVID-19 virus shut down cities and created an economic downturn. Many individuals died, with most deaths occurring during the winter months.

My Opinion of 2020 🦠

For the most part, the year 2020 was not a good one. Most of us couldn’t avoid the fate predicted by the Mother Earth Oracle, which included numerous deaths, natural calamities, and poverty for many people.
As the winter season continued, there was yet another outbreak of the sickness. Many people have died, and the number of COVID-19 cases rises every day. Because what happened in the past is no longer relevant, let us examine the year 2021.

Mother Earth Oracle 2020
The Mother Earth Oracle 2020

Was it Better or Worse in 2021?

However, in 2021, things were not much better, as we were still dealing with the COVID-19 virus and a slew of other catastrophes. We’ll re-examine the Mother Earth Oracle manuscript for its 2021 forecast and translate it from Chinese to English for a wider audience.

The Deadly COVID Virus Continues 😷

  • 太歲辛丑年,疾病稍紛紛。(Translation: In the Tai Sui Yin Metal Ox Year, many people are still unwell with diseases in many parts of the world.)
  • What happened: Despite immunizations, the COVID-19 virus continued to spread worldwide and mutated into the more contagious Delta and Omicron variants.

Joe Biden is Elected President 👴

  • 吳越桑麻好,荊楚米麥臻。(Translation: The Wu Yue state produces excellent mulberry, while the Chu state grows excellent rice crops.)
  • What happened: The United States has nominated Joe Biden as its new president, who has promised to provide economic aid to all of the country’s residents.

US Return to Paris Climate Accord and WHO 💚

  • 春夏均甘雨,秋冬得十分。(Translation: The Spring and Summer seasons had plenty of rain and water, while the Autumn and Winter were good.)
  • What actually happened: The US has re-joined the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as reaffirming its support for the World Health Organization (WHO).

An NFT was auctioned for Millions 🖼️ 

  • 桑葉樹頭秀,蠶姑自歡欣。 (Translation: The mulberry tree is in full bloom, and the silkworm harvest ladies are delighted.)
  • What happened: Mike Winkelmann was the first person to sell an NFT at a major auction house, where he sold it for $69 million.

Vaccination Occurs Amidst Relaxed Measures 🐤

  • 人民漸蘇息,六畜瘴逡巡。 (Translation: The general public is recovering from COVID exhaustion, but the virus may be impacting domestic animals.)
  • What happened: For the most part, it was a year of immunizations, with some exceptions. Yet many bird species got an unusual ailment, resulting in strange bird deaths.

The True Catastrophe 🚑

  • 卜曰︰辛丑牛爲首,高低甚可憐。人民留一半,快活好桑田。(Translation: Following the Yin Metal Ox Year, life will continue to be difficult for everyone, regardless of status. As the death toll rises, only half of the population remains. Those that are left will continue to push forward and flourish.)
  • What happened: In 2021, at least 3 million people perished from COVID. Fortunately, vaccinations and safeguards ensured that the death toll did not reach the prophecy’s prediction. The stock market rebounded in 2021, allowing many people to profit from the situation.

My Opinion of 2021 💉

Fortunately, the forecast for 2021 that only half of the people would live did not come true. However, the Chinese wrote the Mother Earth Oracle hundreds of years ago. It was before immunizations and advanced science existed. In modern times, it might mean that half of the workforce is no longer employed in some enterprises as their businesses got affected by COVID.

Mother Earth Oracle 2021
The Mother Earth Oracle 2021

The Year To Be Bold 2022?

The year 2022 was much better than the previous years. By examining the Mother Earth Oracle divination, we can see hope and prosperity in the people. Below is the layman’s translation of the ancient text from Chinese to English.

Signs of Prosperity for Everyone 🥂

  • 太岁壬寅年,高低尽得丰。(Translation: The Tai Sui Yang Water Tiger Year will bring prosperity to the rich and the needy.)
  • What has happened so far: We’ve seen nearly universal COVID viral immunity. Many countries are opening up as their economies improve.

Expected Flooding But Less Severe Weathers 🌊

  • 春夏承甘润,秋冬处处通。(Translation: From Spring until Summer, the weather will be beautiful and moist, while Autumn and Winter will be pleasant due to the completion of all roads.)
  • What has happened so far: Although there were fewer weather extremes, strong rainfall caused flooding in several areas. Most astrologers had anticipated strong downpours based on the Bazi Chart of 2022, which has a lot of water elements in it. We expect most countries will open their borders in the second half of the year, allowing international travel to resume.

Appropriate Occurrences That Signal Progress 📈

  • 蚕桑熟吴地,谷麦溢江东。(Translation: The mulberry trees grow well in the Wu region, while the grains and wheat flourish in the Jiang Dong region.)
  • What has happened so far: We noted that China has successfully hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics, and we anticipate the FIFA soccer tournament to be held in Qatar this year.

Export Sanctions to Russia 😰

  • 桑叶不堪贵,蚕丝却半丰。(Translation: However, the mulberry leaves are not selling, and the silkworm harvest has been cut in half.)
  • What has happened so far: Many countries have imposed sanctions on Russia due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It includes a ban on Russian oil and precious metal exports. Furthermore, many companies have halted their operations and sales of goods to Russia.

Prices on the Rise from Inflation 💵

  • 更看三秋里,禾稻穗重重。(Translation: We should pay attention to Autumn, as this is when the costs of paddy rice fields increase and become expensive to operate.)
  • What has happened so far: The recent rise in costs of goods and Inflation has caught everyone by surprise. Even though the US is imposing interest rate hikes, it is unlikely to slow down inflation.

Unexpected Stock Market Crash 〽️

  • 人民虽富乐,六畜尽造凶。(Translation: Although everyone appears to be joyful, household animals may succumb to an unforeseen ailment or death.)
  • What has happened so far: The above sentence is somewhat abstract. In the past, farmers used to raise domestic animals like pigs, cows, and other livestock and then sell them to make a profit. These domestic animals may represent the financial market or your investments in modern times. It could imply that many people are about to lose a lot of money owing to a stock market crash.

A Perfect Storm of External and Domestic Factors ⛈️

  • 卜曰:虎首值岁头,再处好田苗。桑柘叶下贵,蚕娘免忧愁。禾稻多成实,耕夫不用忧。(Translation: The beginning of the Tiger year is a time of hope for many. It is an excellent opportunity for farmers to begin planting their crops. On the other hand, mulberry leaves are becoming increasingly expensive. It drives up the cost of silkworm harvesting. However, farmers do not need to fear because harvests will continue to be plentiful.)
  • What has happened so far: As the COVID-19 virus became an epidemic, many countries began to open up to tourists. As a result, many people will be more upbeat. It could be a means for them to unwind or an opportunity for the locals to expand their business. On the other hand, inflation is driving up living expenses. Commodity prices are rising, and companies have no choice but to pass these costs on to consumers.

My Opinion of 2022 ⚠️

We are just in the second quarter of 2022. Thus it is too early to predict how the year will end. On the surface, everything appears to be in order, but numerous concerns have occurred or may arise. The Russian invasion of Ukraine, which resulted in the deaths of many people and the economic collapse of these countries, is one example of a problem. On the other hand, many other countries are opening their borders to international travel, and people are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Mother Earth Oracle 2022
The Mother Earth Oracle 2022

Your Action Plans for 2022

So, what did we discover? I recommend that everyone who reads this post do the following actions:

1. Create Multiple Sources of Income

Don’t rely solely on one source of income – According to the Mother Earth Oracle, people in the past relied on selling silk, paddy crops, and even the breeding of domestic animals to sustain a living. As a result, you should invest and create a second or even third source of income.

2. Limit Your Risks Exposure

Eliminate or reduce your risks by understanding what you’re doing. – Because most people dabble in several activities, you’ll need to know what you’re investing in and doing. There is only one Earth element in the Bazi’s Chart for 2022, but it is dominated by many water elements. However, if you concentrate and know what you’re doing, you can minimize your risks of exposure to the market. It’s also a good idea to cut back on or remove leverage, as some experts expect a stock market catastrophe in 2022. You can read more about bridging wealth opportunities from this post.

Dos and Don'ts if Investment
Dos and Don’ts of Investment

3. Keep Moving And Accept New Changes

You’ll have to cross and burn several bridges, but not literally. It suggests you should keep moving forward and put the past behind you. Some people are not aware that we may not be able to return to pre-COVID times. As a result, individuals who refuse to change will continue to suffer in today’s world. Additionally, businesses that continue to operate in the old management style will suffer. It is similar to people who want to start a new career but can’t do so due to outdated beliefs. You’ll have to take steps ahead and commit to the new changes.

Accept changes
Accept changes or get eliminated

4. Be Proactive Instead of Reactive

By now, you can expect 2022 to face the concerns listed above: conflict, price inflation, persisting COVID troubles, etc. Some occurrences, such as the opening of countries from their COVID conditions, may appear beneficial at first, but you can anticipate the potential for later issues. As a result, it will no longer be unexpected, and you will not react. However, you can respond to the changes by taking the appropriate steps to gain from them.

Proactive Quote
Sometimes the most proactive thing we can do is to be happy!

5. Schedule Your Goals

I’ll suggest that you plan to achieve your objectives by 2022. If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to improve your riches, love, or other aspects of your life, you’ll need to engage in certain activities to get there. When you write these down as concrete tasks in your calendar, you’ll be more likely to follow through. You can also read my previous post about what you need to accomplish in 2022.

Steps to Achieving Any Goal in Life
Steps to Achieving Any Goal in Life

Concluding Remarks

Many thousands of years ago, the Chinese dynasty used the Mother Earth Oracle as one of its prediction techniques. When we superimpose this on present times, however, we may not be able to recognize its connection. Furthermore, I’ll treat the oracle’s advice with caution. Most incidents do not represent positive events, and if we take them seriously, we may become too frightened to focus on our life objectives or even leave the house. We should also check each year’s Bazi, Feng Shui, and Qi Men charts to plan ahead of time. Thus, we will be able to succeed and attain our objectives much more quickly if we understand them.

Live Life To The Fullest Because You Only Get To Live It Once

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